Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Wait Will Be Worth It

The day has arrived my friends. After constant encouragement and good natured nagging Sue Beth Pfeffer, who wrote a very fine (and in some places entirely gut wrenching) trilogy about a disaster that unfolds after the moon is hit by an asteroid, has continued the series. I enjoyed the first three books so much that I reviewed them twice. The first time as the inaugural post on my blog and then a second time when the third part was released (because I read it again). She really did intend to leave it as a finished trilogy.

I couldn't take no for an answer and kept asking her to write another part ... three just wasn't enough. After some thought she agreed to write just one more part. Then the wait began. Constant lurking on her blog and encouragement given. Then after several false starts the time had come; a finished manuscript was in the publishers hands and due to be released.

Those who know me are aware of the difficulty of gift giving for me. I just have a hard time thinking of things I want. Well this book The Shade of the Moon was being released very close to my birthday. So without a second though I placed it at the top of my list and contented myself with the wait.

Then I get a note from Sue. She would like me to have a copy. It arrived today. Now since I am so difficult to shop for and since it was on my gift list, I'll need to wait until Thanksgiving (my birthday this year) to open it.

I am positive though that the wait and anticipation will make the reading all the more enjoyable. But you folks are lucky. You can just go out and buy a  copy of it yourself and set to. I recommend that you do. She's a fine author. Also if the book does very well she just might be convinced to write a fifth part. I for one would love to see what happens when Miranda's daughter seeks out her mom's journal.

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