Friday, March 8, 2013

The Electric Church by Jeff Somers

'Gantz and I wandered, keeping the dirty river on our left and letting her keep us in her sight., until we were on a wide but deserted street. At one time it had edged the river, but recently the river - a dirty, brown-flavored sludge flowing stolidly past us - had toppled the embankment and lapped halfway across the broken pavement. When the time was right we ducked into the shadows offered by a wall of rubble dumped there decades ago and waited. Across the river from us was a hemisphere of rusted metal, a huge spoked contraption half-buried in river sludge, leaning at an extreme angle but somehow peaceful in its stillness. It was bent slightly, and I tried, briefly, to imagine it upright and suspended in the air again, but it was hard to imagine anything whole and functioning again.'

-Avery Cates

First things first. This little scene takes place after Avery flies to England. I will send the book to a random pick of those who can identify the ruins as described in the excerpt. Post in the comments. You know you wanna.

A buddy of mine and fellow apocalyptic fiction fan turned me onto this series. I'm not entirely sure if this PA or not. There are lots of ruins and things are not well but for me the end hasn't happened just yet. The world is vastly different from the world as it is today. I'd say dystopian.

It's the story of Avery. He's a bad guy with a heart of gold. Only kills those who needs killing and follows his own person code very strictly. He's a Gunner. Means he's a hired gun, kills for money, but only those who have it coming. In this future world there's a new religion called the Electric Church they promise eternal life and a chance to shake hands with god.

They, are in, fact robots with human brains. One day Avery gets hired to go up against the Church and the end result of that conflict might just be the apocalypse the world had been teetering on. The second part of the story will solve that I'm thinking.

So as a thank you to my buddy Deathrattle I'm giving my copy away. Like I said I'll choose randomly from those that identify the ruins in the excerpt. Good luck. I'll pick in two weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just stumbled across your blog and I'll be returning to it when I have more time! I'm a huge fan of post-apocalyptic fiction so it's always great to find other like-minded readers & their recommendations. Is the scene described in this post the London Eye? Sounds like an interesting book.
