Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wastelander's Epoch by Algarothsyum

Once more I found a band that who can produce a album that is front to back apocalypse. This venture into the End is just a little different though. The artist behind the music is a guy I'd call a friend. I've shared the ups and the downs and have been along for the ride as he decided what he'd like the final sound of his album to feel like.

I've been meaning to post this up for quite some time now but I've either been too lazy or perhaps just to busy with *cough*class work *cough*.

Be that as it may, I give you the sounds of Algarothsyum. Give it a listen. The track I like best is 'Nuclear Funeral' but your mileage may vary. If you feel so inclined you can pick up the whole she-bang on his bandcamp page for the low low price of just seven bucks. A bargain at twice the price.

You can also track him down on facebook. But if you'd like the ultimate and get a live chat with the man himself you can often find him hanging out in post apocalyptic chat room under the handle Vhyle. Stop by and say howdy won't you?

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