Monday, May 24, 2010

Random Non PA post ...

So like I said in the last post ... no reading because of the need to work on my thesis. Well I got the rough draft done and turned in. My committee put their heads together and gave me a defense date of the 26th. That's right the day after tomorrow. (shit!) I, of course, freaked out. I don't know if I'm ready, what I need for it, what the defense is all about. The whole deal.

So yesterday and the day before I busted some serious ass and wrote a second draft. I feel much better about this one. I don't get that tight feeling in my chest when I think about what I've done anyhow.

I think what I've done this time is worth granting of a masters degree. I don't know for sure if just taking the comprehensive exams would have been easier. I've never been a fan of the easy way anyhow. As the anonymous bathroom-wall-writer said 'There's no use braggin' if you don't go all out'. Truer words were never spoken.

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