Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Post Apocalyptic Tinker Toys

Today's sub job took me to a local Head Start. It was super-fun. The little ones are way more fun than douchey junior high schoolers . The best thing today happened during free play time (read 'all day'). The kids were introduced to Tinker Toys at the beginning of the day. Many of the girls started building people and houses and the boys (to no ones surprise at all whatsoever) built guns and proceeded to have an epic gun battle. Then one little guy built a battle tank and kicked it up a notch. I would have posted audio of the wicked-sweet sound effects the little dude was giving the cannons but student confidentiality precludes it. Best I could do was take a quick snapshot with my shitty cell phone camera.

Anyhow I give you the Tinker Toy Battle Tank:

1 comment:

  1. Gotta love that age group :) Fun to work with. A little different from your usual teaching job though! Looking forward to moving back to Oregon. See you soon.
