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The idea behind this blog is to share my opinions about Post-Apocalyptic Literature, Films and Ephemera as well as my random nattering on a regular basis.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Apocalyptic Library

Updated 9.11.11

Some of these are dystopian. I also included some books from the zombie and vampire canons and some from the ‘machine turning against man’ genre too. I do not include any dystopian novels in the ‘read’ section of the library. Some in the not read are dystopian. I left them in there because I need to find the cause of the ‘anti-utopia’. It all depends on the cause. If the cause was a world ending event it goes in the read list and if it is just a simple ‘society in which conditions of life are miserable and characterized by poverty, oppression, war, violence, disease, pollution, and/or the abridgment of human rights, resulting in widespread unhappiness, suffering, and other kinds of pain’ well then it’s not PA and will be dealt with as such.

My library (books, comics, movies, music and artwork) had been woefully out of date. Updating took me longer than I expected. But after all it had been a couple years since I updated so I wasn’t surprised.

Also I didn't get these overnight. This is ... well I guess a labor of love. My library started out from a very small and humble beginning. I only had The Stand by Stephen King, Swan Song by Robert R. McCammon, Fire by Alan Rodgers and The Dying by Leslie Horvitz. Then I discovered the interwebs and began collecting in earnest.

This list represents about 8 years of book store combing and looking at different websites. This search on eBay has been good for finding books I hadn't heard of before. Scifan has an After the Apocalypse - Post-holocaust - Apocalypse theme, an End of the World/End of Man theme as well as The Last Man theme. Very helpful.

At first I used Emptyworld to find books but soon my library was far more vast than the one there. The bulk of these books were from little used book stores in different towns. I absolutely cannot pass up a used book store and will stop at each and look around a bit. Lately it seems I have run out of books to find. A good thing too because I am running out of room to keep them. I find the best results for finding new PA books come from I have to wait but the books are free and I have plenty to read.


Read: (Confirmed Apocalyptic/Post-Apocalyptic)

Aldiss, Brian Greybeard
Aldiss, Brian Who can Replace a Man?
Allen, Rodger MacBride and Kotani, Eric Supernova
Anderson, Kevin J. and Beason, Doug Ill Wind
Anderson, Poul Twilight World
Anderson, Poul Vault of the Ages
Andrews, Scott The Afterblight Chronicles: School’s Out
Andrews, Scott The Afterblight Chronicles: Operation Motherland
Andrews, Scott The Afterblight Chronicles: Children's Crusade
Anthony, Piers Battle Circle
Armstrong, Jennifer and Butcher, Nancy Fire-Us I: The Kindling
Armstrong, Jennifer and Butcher, Nancy Fire-Us II: The Keepers of the Flame
Armstrong, Jennifer and Butcher, Nancy Fire-Us III: The Kiln
Armstrong, Michael After the Zap
Asimov, Isaac (ed) After the End
Asimov, Isaac (ed) The Last Man on Earth
Atwood, Margaret Oryx and Crake
Bacigalupi, Paolo Ship Breaker
Bacigalupi, Paolo The Drowned Cities
Backus, John Philp Hunter: After the Fall
Ballard, J. G. The Burning World
Ballard, J. G. The Drowned World
Bandy, Franklin The Farewell Party
Bark, Jaspre The Afterblight Chronicles: Dawn Over Doomsday
Barnhart, Len Reign of the Dead
Barnhart, Len Reign of the Dead: Apocalypse End
Barrett, Neal Jr. Through Darkest America
Barrett, Neal, Jr. Dawn’s Uncertain Light
Bear, Gregg Blood Music
Benford, Gregory and Rotsler, William Shiva Descending
Bennett, Margot The Long Way Back
Berk, Howard The Sun Grows Cold
Berman, Mitch Time Capsule
Birmingham, John Without Warning
Birmingham, John After America
Blackburn, John A Scent of New-Mown Hay
Bloch, Robert Fear Today – Gone Tomorrow
Bonham, Frank The Forever Formula
Bosse, Malcolm Mister Touch
Bourne, J. L. Day By Day Armageddon
Boyett, Stephen R. Ariel
Boyett, Stephen R. Elegy Beach
Brackett, Leigh The Long Tomorrow
Bradley, Darin Noise
Brennan, Thom Pavlov's Dogs
Brennan, Thom Omega Dog
Briggs, Raymond When the Wind Blows
Brin, David The Postman
Brockmeir, Kevin The Brief History of the Dead
Brooks, Max The Zombie Survival Guide
Brooks, Max World War Z
Budrys, Algis Some Will Not Die
Cameron, Kenneth M. Power Play
Carlson, Jeff Plague Trilogy I Plague Year
Carlson, Jeff Plague Trilogy II: Plague War
Carlson, Jeff Plague Trilogy III: Plague Zone
Charles, Robert Night World
Christopher, John A Wrinkle in the Skin
Christopher, John Empty World
Christopher, John The Death of Grass
Christopher, John Tripods 0: When the Tripods Came
Christopher, John Tripods I: The White Mountains
Christopher, John Tripods II: The City of Gold and Lead
Christopher, John Tripods III: The Pool of Fire
Clark, Simon Blood Crazy
Clark, Simon Stranger
Colander, Valerie Mieman Neena Gathering
Collins, Suzanne The Hunger Games
Collins, Suzanne Catching Fire
Collins, Suzanne Mockingjay
Coppel, Alfred Dark December
Crace, Jim The Pesthouse
Cronin, Justin The PassageCrowther, Peter
The Longest Single Note and Other Strange Compositions
Cullen, Brian, What Niall Saw
David James F. Footprints of Thunder
DelToro, Guillermo and Hogan, Chuck The Strain
DelToro, Guillermo and Hogan, Chuck The Fall
DelToro, Guillermo and Hogan, Chuck The Night Eternal
Dick, Philip K. Dr. Bloodmoney or How We Got Along After The Bomb
Dickson, Gordon R. Wolf and Iron
Dickson, Gordon R. In Iron Years
Dilouie, Craig Tooth and Nail
Disch, Thomas M. The Genocides
Drake, David and Mosiman, Billie Sue (ed) Armageddon
DuPrau Jeanne The First Book of Ember: The City of Ember
DuPrau, Jeanne The Second Book of Ember: The People of Sparks
DuPrau, Jeanne The Third Book of Ember: The Prophet of Yonwood
Dvorkin, David Central Heat
Eckert, Allan W. The Hab Theory
Ehrenhaft, Daniel The Last Dog on Earth (Doggy Apocalypse)
Elliott, Richard The Burnt Lands
Elliot, Richard The Sword of Allah
Ewing, Al The Afterblight Chronicles: Death Got No Mercy
Falkner, Brian The Tomorrow Code
Federbush, Arnold Ice!
Ferguson, Brad The World Next Door
Fingerman, Bob Pariah
Forstchen, William R. One Second After
Foster, Alan Dean Terminator Salvation
Frank, Pat Alas, Babylon
Franklin, H. Bruce (ed) Countdown to Midnight
Frenkel, James (ed.) Bangs and Whimpers: Stories About the End of the World
Gischler, Victor Go-Go Girls of the Apocalypse
Glavinic, Thomas Night Work
Graham, David Down to a Sunless Sea
Grant, Michael Gone
Guha, Anton-Andreas Ende: A Diary of the Third World War
Gunther, Max Doom Wind
Haiblum, Isidore Transfer To Yesterday
Harris, Brian World War III
Herbert, Frank The White Plague
Herbert, James ’48
Hoban, Russell Riddley Walker
Hodge, Brian Dark Advent
Horvitz, Leslie The Dying
Hoy, Jeffrey J. The Long and Winding Road
Hoyle, Trevor The Last Gasp
Hubbard, L. Ron Battlefield Earth
James, P. D. The Children of Men
Jaros, James Burn Down the Sky
Jaros, James Carry the Flame
Johnson, Jeremy Robert Angle Dust Apocalypse
Jones, D. F. Earth has been Found
Kane, Paul The Afterblight Chronicles: Arrowhead
Kane, Paul The Afterblight Chronicles: Broken Arrow
Kane, Paul The Afterblight Chronicles: Arrowland
Keene, Brian City of the Dead
Keene, Brian The Conqueror Worms
Keene, Brian Dead Sea
Keene, Brian The Rising
Keene, Brian Unhappy Endings
King, Stephen Cell
King, Stephen The Stand (both cut and uncut versions)
Knight, Harry Adam Death Spore
Konkoly, Steven The Jakarta Pandemic
Koontz, Dean The Taking
Kunstler, James Howard World Made By Hand
Lanier, Sterling E. Hiero's Journey
Lanier, Sterling E. The Unforsaken Hiero
Laumer, Keith Catastrophe Planet
Lebbon, Tim Bar None
Lebbon, Tim The Nature of Balance
Leichter, Larry R. Epidemic!
Leinger, Robert Black Sun
Levene, Rebecca The Afterblight Chronicles: Kill or Cure
Llewellyn, Edward Prelude to Chaos
London, Jack The Scarlet Plague
Long, Jeff Year Zero
Macaulay, David Motel of the Mysteries
Maclay, John (ed) Nukes: Four Horror Writers on the Ultimate Horror
MacMillan, Ian Blakely’s Ark
Maine, Charles Eric Survival Margin
Maine, Charles Eric The Tide Went Out
Mano, D. Keith The Bridge
Masterton, Graham Famine
Masterton, Graham Plague
Matheson, Richard I am Legend
Mayhar, Ardath The World Ends in Hickory Hollow
Mayhew, Vic and Long, Doug Fire Ball
McBride, Michael Species 
McCammon, Robert R. (ed) Under the Fang
McCammon, Robert R. Blue World
McCammon, Robert R. Swan Song
McCarthy, Cormac The Road
McDevitt, Jack Eternity Road
McDevitt, Jack Moonfall
McPhee, James Survival 2000 I: Blood Quest
McPhee, James Survival 2000 II: Renegade War
McPhee, James Survival 2000 III: Frozen Fire
Miller Walter M. Jr. A Canticle for Leibowitz
Miller, Walter M., Jr. (ed) Beyond Armageddon
Mitchell, Elizabeth (ed.) After the Flames Vol. II
Moody, David Hater
Moorcock, Michael The Ice Schooner
Moore, Ward Greener Than You Think
Morrow, James This is the Way the World Ends
Mullen, Mike Ashfall 
Mullen, Mike Ashen Winter 
Murphy, Pat The City, Not Long After
Nation, Terry Survivors
Navarro, Yvonne Final Impact
Navarro, Yvonne Red Shadows
Niven, Larry and Pournelle, Jerry Footfall
Niven, Larry and Pournelle, Jerry Lucifer’s Hammer
Nix, Garth Shade’s Children
North, Sam Another Place to Die
Nourse, Alan E. The Fourth Horseman
Nutman, Philip Wet Work
O’Brien Robert C. Z for Zachariah
O’Quinn, Bob The Bermuda Virus
Oppegaard David The Suicide Collectors
Page, Thomas The Hephaestus Plague
Palmer, David R. Emergence
Pangborn, Edgar Davy
Pellegrino, Charles Dust
Pendleton, Don Cataclysm
Pfeffer, Susan Beth Life As We Knew It
Pfeffer, Susan Beth The Dead and The Gone
Pfeffer, Susan Beth This World We Live In
Pfeffer, Susan Beth The Shade of the Moon
Pinborough, Sarah Breeding Ground
Pinborough, Sarah Feeding Ground
Pohl, Frederick (ed.) Nightmare Age
Pournelle J. E. (ed.) There Will Be War (vol. VIII) Armageddon
Pournelle J.E. (ed.) There Will Be War (vol. I)
Pournelle, J. E. (ed.) There Will Be War (vol. IX) After Armageddon
Pow, Tom The Pack
Prochnau, William W. Trinity's Child
Ransom, Bill Burn
Reaves, Michael and Perry, Steve Dome
Recht, Z.A. Plague of the Dead: The Morningstar Strain book 1
Recht, Z.A. Thunder and Ashes: The Morningstar Strain book 2 
Recht, Z.A. with Brennan, Thom Survivors: The Morningstar Strain book 3 
Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Bloodshift
Reisig, Michael The New Madrid Run
Rhinehart, Luke Long Voyage Back
Robbins David Fox Run: Endworld 01 (I will only get just the one)
Robinson, Spider Telempath
Rodgers, Alan Fire
Roshwald, Mordecai Level 7
Ruskin, Ronald The Last Panic
Sargent, Craig The Last Ranger
Sarrantonio, Al Skeletons
Sellings, Arthur Junk Day
Shapira, Eric It’s Only Temporary
Sherriff, R. C. The Hopkins Manuscript
Sheffield, Charles Aftermath
Shiel, M. P. The Purple Cloud
Shute Nevil, On The Beach
Siegel, Barbara, Siegel, Scott The Burning Land (Firebrats, No 1)
Siegel, Barbara and Siegel, Scott Survivors (Firebrats, No 2)
Siegel, Barbara Thunder Mountain (Firebrats, No 3)
Sigler, Scott Infected
Sigler, Scott Contagious
Silverberg, Robert Time of the Great Freeze
Simak, Clifford D. City
Skipp, John and Spector, Craig The Bridge
Smith, Guy N. Warhead
Smith, Mitchell Snowfall
Spurrier, Simon The Afterblight Chronicles: The Culled
Stephens, J. B. The Big Empty I
Stephens, J. B. The Big Empty II: Desolation Angles
Stephens, J. B. The Big Empty III: Paradise City
Stephens, J. B. The Big Empty IV: No Exit
Stern, D.A. Black Dawn
Stewart, George R. Earth Abides
Stirling, S. M. Emberverse I: Book I: Dies the Fire
Stirling, S. M. Emberverse I: Book II: The Protector’s War
Stirling, S. M. Emberverse I: Book III: A Meeting at Corvallis
Stirling, S. M. Emberverse II: Book I: The Sunrise Lands
Stirling, S. M. Emberverse II: Book II: The Scourge of God
Stone, Del Jr. Dead Heat
Strieber, Whitley and Kunetka, James War Day
Strieber, Whitley Wolf of Shadows
Sutton, Henry Vector (not apocalyptic but here because the same event that spawned this also spawned The Stand)
Tevis, Walter Mockingbird
Townshend, James E. Postamble
Tucker, Wilson The City in the Sea
Tucker, Wilson The Long Loud Silence
Tucker, Wilson The Year of the Quiet Sun
Ure, Jean Plague
Ure, Jean After the Plague
Ure, Jean Watchers at the Shrine
Van Pelt, James The Summer of The Apocalypse
Varley, John Slow Apocalypse
Vonnegut, Kurt Jr. Cat’s Cradle
Wilhelm, Kate Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang
Williams, Conrad One
Wilson, Colin Spider World I: The Desert
Wilson, Colin Spider World II: The Tower
Wilson, Colin Spider World III: The Fortress
Wilson, Colin Spider World IV: The Delta
Williams, Paul O. The Pelbar Cycle I: The Breaking of Northwall
Williams, Paul O. The Pelbar Cycle II: The Ends of the Circle
Williams, Paul O. The Pelbar Cycle III: The Dome in the Forest
Williams, Paul O. The Pelbar Cycle IV: The Fall of the Shell
Williams, Paul O. The Pelbar Cycle V: An Ambush of Shadows
Williams, Paul O The Pelbar Cycle VI: The Song of the Axe
Williams, Paul O The Pelbar Cycle VII: The Sword of Forbearance
Wren, M. K. A Gift Upon the Shore
Wyndham, John The Day of the Triffids
Yarbro Chelsea Quinn False Dawn
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn Time of the Four Horsemen
Young, Janine Ellen The Bridge
Zahn, Timothy Terminator Salvation: From The Ashes
Zelazny, Rodger Damnation Alley

Not Read Yet:(I don’t know if these books belong in the ‘Apocalyptic Fiction Canon’. Will delete or line out these if they don’t ‘hold up’)

Adams, John Joseph (ed) Wastlands, Stories of the Apocalypse
Adrian, Chris The Children's Hospital
Aldiss, Brian Galaxies Like Grains of Sand
Aldiss, Brian Hothouse
Amis, Martin Einstein's Monsters
Applegate, K. A. Remnants I: The Mayflower Project
Armstrong, Michael Agviq
Atwood, Margaret The Handmaid's Tale
Auster, Paul In The Country Of Last Things
Bacigalupi, Paolo The Windup GirlBallard, J. G. Myths of the Near Future
Ballard, J. G. The Atrocity Exhibition
Ballard, J. G. The Crystal World
Barjavel, Rene The Ice People
Barnes, John Mother of Storms
Benford, Gregory Matter’s End
Benford, Gregory Timescape
Blish, James The Triumph of Time
Blish, James They Shall Have Stars
Blish, James Vor
Bloodstone, John Thundar Man of Two Worlds
Bodeen, S. A. The Compound
Bowen, John After the Rain
Braziel, James Snakeskin Road
Brinkley, William The Last Ship
Brown, Jerry Earl Under the City of Angels
Brunner, John No Future In It
Brunner, John Now Then!
Brunner, John The Day of the Star Cities
Brunner, John The Infinitive of Go
Brunner, John Total Eclipse
Burdick, Eugene and Wheeler, Harvey Failsafe
Burkett William R., Jr. Sleeping Planet
Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the Talents
Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the Sower
Butler, Octavia E. Clay's Ark
Card, Orson Scott The Folk of the Fringe
Christopher, John Pendulum
Christopher, John The Long Winter
Christopher, John The World in Winter
Clemens, Suter P. Two Journeys
Cravens, Gwyneh and Marr, John S. The Black Death
Crichton, Michael The Andromeda Strain
Danvers, Dennis Circuit of Heaven
Danvers, Dennis End of Days
David James F. Thunder of Time
DeCandido, Keith R. A. (adapted) Resident Evil: Genesis
Dick, Philip K. and Zelazny, Roger Deus Irae
Dick, Philip K. The Penultimate Truth
Dickinson, Peter The Changes: A Trilogy
Dickson, Gordon R. No Room For Man
Dickson, Gordon R. Time Storm
Dietz, William C. DeathDay
Dietz, William C. EarthRise
Dietz, William C. Resistance: The Gathering Storm
Doyle, Arthur Conan The Pioson Belt
Dubois, Brendan Resurrection Day
DuPrau, Jeanne The Fourth Book of Ember: The Dimond of Darkhold
Elwood Roger and Kidd Virginia (ed) The Wounded Planet
England, George Allen Darkness and Dawn
Farmer, Philip Jose The Wind Whales of Ishmael
Farren, Mick The Armageddon Crazy
Frost, Jason The Warlord
Gardener, John The Dancing Dodo
Grant, Michael Hunger (Gone Book II)
Grant, Michael Lies (Gone Book III)
Griffin, Russell M. Century’s End
Haldeman, Joe The Forever War
Hand, Elizabeth Glimmering
Hand, Elizabeth Winterlong
Harris, Marilyn The Portent
Harrison, Harry Make Room! Make Room!
Harry, Eric L. Arc Light
Harvey, Gareth The Holtzmann Plague
Heinlein, Robert A. Farnham’s Freehold
Heinlein, Robert Tomorrow, the Stars
Herbert, James Domain
Hjortsberg, William Grey Matter
Hoch, Edward D. The Fellowship of the Hand
Hoyle, Fred and Hoyle, Geoffrey The Inferno
Hoyle, Fred October the First Is Too Late
Ingrid, Charles The Marked Man Omnibus
Johnson, Annabel and Edgar The Danger Quotient
Jones, Dennis Barbarossa Red
Joseph, Mark Deadline Y2K

Kavan, Anna Ice
Knight, Damon (ed.) Elsewhere x3
Knight, Damon Why Do Birds
Kornbluth, C. M. Not This August
Kollin, Dani and Kollin, Eytan The Unincorporated Man
Kress, Nancy Probability Moon
Kube-McDowell, Michael P. Alternities
Laidlaw, Mark Dad’s Nuke
Lance, Kathryn Pandora’s Genes
Laumer, Keith Assignment in Nowhere
Laumer, Keith The Big Show
Laumer, Keith The Long Twilight
Lee, Linda One By One
Leiber, Fritz The Wanderer
Leinster, Murray The Wailing Asteroid
Lewis, Richard The Spiders
Lieberman, Robert Perfect People
Little, Bentley The Revelation
Llewellyn, Edward The Bright Companion
Lowery, Lois Gathering Blue
Lundwall, Sam J. 2018 A.D.
Mace, David Fire Lance
Maguire, Gregory I Feel Like The Morning Star
Maine, Charles Eric Alph
Maloney, Mack Wingman
Manning, Laurence The Man Who Awoke
Marsden, John Tomorrow When The War Began

McQuay, Mike Pure Blood
McQuinn, Donald E. Warrior
McQuinn, Donald E. Wanderer
Merle, Robert Malevil
Merril, Judith Shadow on the Hearth
Miklowitz, Gloria D. After the Bomb
Miklowitz, Gloria D. After the Bomb: Week One
Mitchell, Syne The Changeling Plague
Monteleone, Thomas F. The Time Connection
Monteleone, Thomas F. The Time-Swept City
Moorcock, Michael Dying For Tomorrow
Moorcock, Michael The Land Leviathan
Moorcock, Michael The Time Dweller
Moorcock, Michael The Warlord of the Air
Moore, C. L. and Kuttner, Henry Earth’s Last Citadel
Moore, C. L. Doomsday Morning
Moore, Ward Caducus Wild
Moris, Janet (ed.) Afterwar
Nolan, William F. (ed.) California Sorcery
Nolan, William F. Impact-20
Norton, Andre No Night Without Stars
Norwood, Warren C. Shudder Child
Nowlan, Philip Francis Armageddon 2419 A.D.
Nunes, Claude Inherit the Earth
Offutt, Andrew J. Evil is Live Spelled Backwards
Olan, Susan Torian The Earth Remembers
Ouellette, Pierre The Deus Machine
Pangborn, Edgar The Company of Glory
Peel, John The Outer Limits book 7: The Vanished
Pohl, Frederik and Del Rey Lester Preferred Risk
Peters, Ralph The War After Armageddon
Pournelle, J. E. There Will Be War vol. II Men of War
Pournelle, J. E. There Will Be War vol. VII Call to Battle
Randall, Marta For Those Who Favor Fire
Roberts, Keith Kiteworld
Robinson, Jeremy Antarktos Rising
Ryan, Carrie The Forest of Hands and Teeth
Scortia, Thomas N. and Robinson, Frank M. The Prometheus Crisis
Scortia, Thomas N. Earth Wreck!
Self, Will The Book Of Dave
Sharpe, Matthew Jamestown
Sheckley, Robert Hunter/Victim
Sheckley, Robert The 10th Victim
Sheckley, Robert Victim Prime
Sheffield, Charles Starfire
Shelly, Mary The Last Man
Skipp, John Mondo Zombie
Smith, Dean Wesley and Weaver, Christopher The Tenth Planet
Smith, George H. Doomsday Wing
Smith, Guy N. Killer Crabs
Smith, Stephanie A. Other Nature
Spinrad, Norman No Direction Home
Stahler, David Jr. Truesight
Sterling, Bruce Heavy Weather
Stirling, S. M. Emberverse II: Book III: The Sword of the Lady
Stone, George Blizzard
Strieber, Whitley and Kunetka, James Nature’s End
Sullivan, Tim The Parasite War
Suter, Clemens P. Two Journeys
Swindells, Robert Brother In The Land
Takami, Koushun Battle Royale
Teppler, Sheri S. The Visitor
Tremayne, Peter The Ants
Tucker, Wilson Ice and Iron
Van Vogt, A. E. Empire of the Atom
Vance, Jack Tales of the Dying Earth (omnibus)
Varley, John Steel Beach
Wallace, Patricia The Taint
Ward, Dayton The Last World War
Warner, Douglas Death on a Warm Wind
Washburn, Mark Nightwind
Weinbaum, Stanley G. The New Adam
Wells, H. G. In the Days of the Comet
Wells, H. G. The Food of the Gods
Wells, Robert Candle in the Sun
Westerfeld, Scott Pretties
Wienbaum, Stanley G. The Black Flame
Wilhelm, Kate Juniper Time
Wilhelm, Kate Listen, Listen
Wilhelm, Kate, Welcome, Chaos
Williams, Gordon Revolt of the Micronauts
Williams, Gordon The Microcolony
Williams, Gordon The Mirconauts
Wilson, Steve The Lost Traveler
Winter Douglas E. (ed.) Revelations
Wren, Thomas The Doomsday Effect
Wylie, Philip The End of the Dream
Wylie, Philip Triumph
Wyndham, John Jizzle
Zamyatin, Yevgeny We (dystopian)

Comics/Grapic Novels:

Battle Royale
Dead Enders
Doom Patrol
The Stand
Tribes: The Dog Years
Walking Dead
Y the Last Man

12 Monkeys
20 Years After (or Like Moles, Like Rats)
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later
A Boy and His Dog
Apocalypse and The Beauty Queen
By Dawn’s Early Light
Children of Men
Deep Impact
Def-Con 4 (AVI)
Dessert Punk (Full Series)
Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
Ever Since The World Ended
Fail Safe
Fatal Contact: Bird Flu in America
I am Legend
Jeremiah (Full Series)
Last Night
Le Dernier Combat (AVI)
Logan's Run
Mad Max
Mad Max 2 (The Road Warrior)
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome
Meltdown: Days of Destruction
Miracle Mile
Night of the Comet
Panic In The Year Zero
Pulse (English version)
Pulse (Japanese version)
Soylent Green
The Day After
The Day After Tomorrow
The Earth Dies Screaming
The Fire Next Time
The Handmaid’s Tale
The Happening
The Last Man
The Last Man On Earth
The Last Mimzy
The Noah
The Omega Man
The Plague
The Postman
The Quiet Earth
The Screwfly Solution
The Shape Of Things To Come
The Stand
Thundar (Complete series)
Tooth and Nail
When Worlds Collide
Z for Zachariah (AVI)


Natural Selection (545/750) by Paul Sloan


Wastelander, Wardrive


Anonymous said...

Comics--I loved the Old Man Logan Series. I have the hardcover. Great story.


Barry Shannon said...

Great Blog - I love this genre when I was a kid, and recently started re-reading many of these old books, and new ones.

If you don't mind at all, I have placed a link to your Blog on my Blog. Take care.


Fear Death By Water said...

Thanks for stopping by. And thanks for spreading the word.


Jared said...

I thought I had a good PA library, but yours is roughly twenty times its size!

Want a couple more for the list? (Most modern Brit stuff or 1950's SF)


Melvin Burgess - Bloodtide / Bloodsong (retelling of Viking myth in PA London)

A. Bertram Chandler - The Hamelin Plague (Rats!)

Lord Dunsany - Pleasures of a Futurescope (Nukes)

Harlan Ellison - Vic & Blood (er, nukes, I think... really good, if very disturbing)

Richard Foster - The Rest Must Die (nukes again, survivors trapped under NYC)

Charlie Higson - The Enemy (virus makes adults into evil zombie monsters)

Joe Lansdale - The Drive-in (and sequels) (alien star wipes out/mutates humanity, cue weirdness)

Paul MacTyre - Doomsday, 1999 (the Chinese Empire has fallen in Scotland) (not a joke)

Oisin McGann - Small-Minded Giants (brilliant YA PA, humanity trapped in domes after climate failure)

J.T. McIntosh - One in 300 (starts with the planning & execution of the exodus from earth, but second half of book is pretty worthless)

Tim Powers - Dinner at Deviant's Palace (brilliant PA road trip)

VictoriaAustralia said...

six more that are not in the read section, one that is in the "to be read section"

Coney, Michael - Winters Children.1974 Earth has turned on its axis. Snow covers England 30feet deep. Surviviors mine the frozen village below. Does get a bit naff with telepathy to snow moles at the end.

Priest, Christopher - Fugue For a Darkening Island. 1978 African refugees fleeing nuclear war in Africa invade and ravage England. Good read - short at 125 pages.

Williams, Roger - Aftermath. 1982 Disparate survivors across England after a several nuclear detonations. Survivors scrabbling in ruins of London.

Hegland, Jean - Into The Forest.1996 Excellent contempary story of sisters surviving in economically collapsed America. very good.

Christopher, John. The World in Winter. 1962. A new ice age covers Europe. Most of England retreats to Africa where they struggle as displaced refugees. Great book, bit English middle class of course.

Ing, Dean - Pulling Through. 1983. Fanciful post-nuke strike on San Francisco. Protagnist has a hover car and pet Cheetah! Good fun however and last 1/3 of book is non-fiction survival guide - making a Kearny Fallout Meter, air filter etc.

Thanks for your suggestions for books I do not have - hope these are of interest for you.

Anonymous said...

What an enormous list! o.o I've been looking for a book I read when I was in middle or high school and I can't remember the title. -_-' Here is another person who's also looking for it's description of it:

"hi again ive remembered another book, its really bugging me cos i cant remember the name . Cant find it either anyway if anyone knows the book let me know what its called because im annoyed. Lots of people scientists, mathematitions etc are kept in cryosleep in shifts after the nuclear war/comet etc . they are in hidden bunker . they wake in shifts to watch over young civilisation and appear to guide as `gods` . some groups use old technology, some are afraid of tech and call it magic evil etc.something bad is coming down with a glacier as the ice caps melt . Basically , post apocolyptic with magic, superstition good and evil .
to jog anyones memory keywords are ; bottles, observatory, demon, old man in wheelchair ,signs on forhead ,gods. "

Because it was sorta post-apocalyptic (or maybe post post apocalyptic) I thought you may have had it on your list somewhere. It's been so long now and I've been second guessing myself on the title and author so much that I'm afraid I am not recognizing them when I read the list.

Fear Death By Water said...

This what you're looking for?

Dominic said...

Thanks grreat blog