Short Coming The First: The movie moved very slowly. At times I thought it was just going to be just a localized event. A disaster as opposed to an apocalyptic event. Like with what happens in
The Rift by Walter J. Williams (not PA but disaster). I thought it wouldn't fulfill the premise of the movie. I was wrong.

Short Coming The Second: No survivors (on Earth anyhow). I have said before, the part I enjoy most is the struggle; to survive or die. In Knowing everything just ends in fire. No rebuilding and no remaking society in any way.
This movie reminded me most of the old 1950's scifi flicks. The Day The Earth Caught Fire sprang
to mind almost instantly as I watched. (Also looked as thought they recycled clips from the new remake of Dawn of the Dead at the extreme end of Knowing .. sweet). Take a look you'll see what I mean. The movie is completely worth the money. Also in watching the commentary I discovered that like me Mr. Proyas was tired of movies that didn't deliver the punch. He thought it was cowardly and unrealistic. Sometimes the Earth cannot be saved by any type of heroic action. For that I salute you - you magnificent bastard. Nicely Done.

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